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Our Mission

We act as creative connectors
and powerful storytellers

Our mission is to activate women’s wisdom and wealth for nature. We achieve this by creating networks and sharing compelling stories of green economy entrepreneurs, inspiring change towards a sustainable economic era.

The challenge

We all depend on nature – individuals, businesses, cities, and nations. The stark reality of climate change and environmental destruction deeply concerns us as women.


We understand that the future of our children and the well-being of humanity are intrinsically linked to the restoration and preservation of nature. A lack of comprehensive understanding and education on these critical connections hinders women from investing wisely in nature-based solutions.

Glitch Butterfly in Nature
Sea Turtle

What we do

We share the stories of nature heroes, green entrepreneurs, and innovators to reach a broad audience of women, empowering and inspiring them to act and invest in a nature-positive future. They might be investing their expertise, time and capital.


We organize retreats in nature for women to inspire and connect, merging wealth with wisdom for impactful investments.

Who we are

Harriette Brainard

My mission is to foster collaboration, educate, and bridge the gap between investors and impactful, nature-centric projects. I am dedicated to nurturing our connection to nature and empowering women to lead in restoring our planet. I am passionate about regenerating global soil health through real-time, auditable data and building a global soil health platform. I focus on creating partnerships to restore the earth and strengthening women's leadership in sustainability.

Martina von Richter

I believe in female leadership in this time of transition. My journey is all about embracing nature-centric sustainability: Our sustainable future starts with conserving and regenerating our beautiful natural world. With my background and expertise, I am dedicated to reshaping the business and finance sectors to support practices that are both financially smart and environmentally friendly.
I have been a passionate advocate for sustainable finance, ESG, and impact investing across Europe, always driven by a pioneering spirit. 

Wild Nature
Resplendent Quetzal

WIIN Retreat in Costa Rica

We warmly invite you to a 3 day WIIN retreat in Costa Rica
Together we will discover nature positive strategies, analyse existing ESG investment strategies and support women in finding their voices for active nature positive investment decisions. Speakers will range from scientists, nature entrepreneurs, local nature advocates and experienced impact investors.


Dates: 14th - 18th of October 2024 (3 full days, 4 nights) 

Arrival Monday 14th of October (Arrive earlier if you wish)

Program running from Tuesday 15th until Friday 18th (including dinner)

Departures Saturday 19th of October (in time for those attending COB 16 in Columbia)


Location: Finca Luna Nueva Lodge, Costa Rica (for your information, excellent WIFI)

Organiser: WIIN - Women Investing In Nature 

Costs: Retreat 1500 USD +  Accommodation from 1000-1500 USD  (depending on chosen package)


In order to express your interest for this retreat please fill out the following short form . We can only accept a maximum number of 20 women and want to ensure our expectations and values are aligned.


We are excited to empower women for nature and hope to see you in Costa Rica !

Harriette and Martina

Contact details for questions


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